
了得網影音 書籍-了得網音樂_KODO one earth tour special 鼓童 全球巡回現場實況 9

了得網音樂_KODO one earth tour special 鼓童 全球巡回現場實況 9



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  • 音樂類型:新世紀音樂/New Age
  • 新世紀音樂類型:部落
  • 音樂介質:DVD
  • 發行地區:歐 美

Product Description
KODO has been exploring the limitless possiblities of the traditional Japanese drum, Taiko for over 30 years. In their pursuit of striving to take their theatrical art further, KODO has actively been seeking new collaborations with other musicians and mentors. One result of this can be seen in One Earth Tour Special, a performance that has Tamasaburo Bando, one of Kabukis most renowned performers, serving as artistic director. Under Tamasaburos keen direction, KODOs aim is to reincarnate their performance, not just a mere improvement in quality, but to reinvent their performance with power and grace. It will show KODOs journey back to the basics of drumming to capture the beauty of simple movement. With sold our tours and over 500,000 units sold in the US, KODO will continue to captivate American audiences with the One Earth Tour Special release.

1. Kiyari
2. O-dakio
3. Yatai-Bayashi
4. Okesa
5. Kenbai
6. Tomoe
7. Furyu
8. Hyoshigi-Kono Mine no
9. Sade e
10. Encore

TOP簡9,適合任何DVD機播放 ,現貨供應


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